imbservice.exe "stopping" and preventing Exchange 2003 from delivering mail through POP connector
I have had two instances now where the POP connector to exchange 2003 failed to deliver mail. When digging around i noticed that the imbservice.exe is stuck at "stopping" in services. Once the process is terminated using task manager it can be restarted successfully. A few weeks later the problem will appear again. Anyone know of a trigger for this behavior?
September 20th, 2010 7:50pm

I already have and i was told to post here. "Hi, it would be better if you would ask in Microsoft Exchange General Discussion Forum here HTHEdoardo Benussi - Microsoft MVP Management Infrastructure - Systems Administration Windows Server Italian Forum Moderator"
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September 21st, 2010 11:34am

Hi, First of all, please check the following KB to see if your issue has the same scenario: Exchange Routing Engine Service Does Not Start Automatically or Manually After You Remove IIS and Then Reinstall It;en-us;323672 If this is not your case, please perform the following steps to reinstall POP3 Connector: 1. Rename the POP folder to POP.old in the following location: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Windows Small Business Server\Networking 2. Use regedit, locate the "POP3 Connector" key in the following location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SmallBusinessServer\Network 3. Export the "POP3 Connector" key to the desktop as a backup. Delete the "POP3 Connector" key and close the registry editor. 4. In Windows Explorer, show hidden and system files by going to "Tools", "Folder Options" and "Views", and unhide the hidden files, as well as the system files. 5. Search for and delete all SITxxxxx.tmp folders, you may use SIT*tmp as a wildcard. 6. Manually execute the POP3.MSI file from the SBS 2003 CD #3, \SBS\POP3 folder. This should show the "Preparing to install" and then some actual install progress going on. Please remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Thanks Gen Lin-MSFT
September 22nd, 2010 2:57am

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